Training and Certification Support & Maintenance Program

CAMLOC: Certified Officer of Compliance CAMLOC - is a comprehensive training and certification course tailored for Compliance Officers looking to improve their AML compliance reporting and management skills in accordance with the local and international standards. The compliance training session are held online via videoconferencing application.

Quick Training Summary:

  • Overview of Compliance Reporting Process
  • Compliance Officer's Dashboard Overview
  • Suspicious Transaction Reporting (STR) Process
  • Currency Transaction Reporting (CTR) Process
  • Bulk Uploads with CTR Uploader Tool
  • Metadata Management (Suspicious Activity Categories, Corp. Types, etc.)
  • Understanding XML Schema
  • Troubleshooting & Support Overview
  • CAMLOC Certification

All training and certification sessions and documentation shall be available in English and French.

CAMLIA: Certified Investigation Analyst CAMLIA - is a comprehensive training and certification course tailored for Financial Investigation Units (FIU) looking to improve their AML investigation, reporting and management skills in accordance with the local and international standards. The compliance training session are held online via videoconferencing application.

Quick Training Summary:

  • Administration and Analyst Dashboards
  • Security Administration - Multi-factor Authentication, User Validation, etc.
  • User Management - RE and FIU User Integration
  • Reporting Entity (RE) Management
  • Role Based Access (Administrators, Analysts, RE Users, Compliance Officers, etc.)
  • Data Acquisition, Analysis and Profiling (Direct and inDirect Relationships)
  • Report Generation and Secure Data Sharing (Local and International)
  • Search and Data Filters - Automated Continuous Monitoring Technique
  • Metadata Management (Suspicious Activity Categories, Corp. Types, etc.)
  • Sanctions List Inteligence (SLI) Search-Scan-Investigate
  • Investigation Workspace and Case Management Workflows
  • CTR/STR/SLI Search and Reporting
  • Troubleshooting and Support
  • CAMLIA Certification

All training and certification sessions and documentation shall be available in English and French.